WC Middle Poland (03-05-2016)
Categoria: Competition
Mapa/Área: Sbotka
Nervous before start after 2 shitty training days. Strategy to begin controlled, avoid green and take safe routechoices with good attackpoints.

Was very pleased with my run, and closest I have been to Lundanes on an international level middle (5.45 behind). Re running the course the next day me and Matt saw huge tracks, could have probably saved 1 min total in green.

6- Banana to pick up reentrant
12- Safe attackpoint from path
14- Banana to pick up white from path (lots of people missed this)
15- 20sec mistake, dodgy direction out of green
17- Path route, but safer to go straight actually
20- Missed a bit south +15sec

Can only be very pleased with this stable race. A similar result should comfortably qualify me at EOC.
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WC Middle Poland (03-05-2016) WC Middle Poland (03-05-2016)