8. AC Ultralang (2017-10-08)
Categoría: Competition
Mapa/área: Mannersdorf
Organizador: Naturfreunde
País: Austria
Disciplina: Ultralang
Distance: 14.86 km
Time: 112:24
Average HR: 145
Maximum HR: 193
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Gernot : Nice ultra run east of WIen, in Leithagebirge "Die Wüste". Some mistakes, but overall happy (total time loss at least 15 minutes)
1. slow start, dragged towards post 26 which majority of other runners has as start
2. ok
3. too defensive plus big detour out of post #2; did not see path through old quary ( 4')
4. ok
5. confusion strikes in quary (old weakness of mine), had to reorient from path ( 5')
6. to 14. ok (6-7 still affected on first ones by mistake on #5, I think; liked running up hill to 13)
15. stupid mistake out of 14 (following other runner); did not see "upper route" along old stone wall ( 3')
16. ran conservatively, but ok controll; could use speed on paths, but took more elevation
17. ok'ish, small concentration lapse in post #17
18. again use trail, nice control in towards post; could have taken a more direct route that was (a) more direct and (b) surpsingly little elevation ( 1')
19. to 20. ok
21. and 22. good "safe" approach
23. (same as post 20.) error running too high; had to reorient ( 2')
24. to goal ok

Good: control mostly ok; decent form compensating for orienteering mistakes; good use of path running
Lessons: think options, in particular on long legs; don't make stupid mistakes leaving post (direction); even more calm towards first few posts.
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8. AC Ultralang (2017-10-08) 8. AC Ultralang (2017-10-08)