Ås by night and fog (22.11.2016)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Kroer Sør
Skutečná délka: 9.38 km
Čas: 66:14
Prům. tepy: 173
Max. tepy: 212
Foggy, thick and vague terrain. I knew this was going to be tricky so was very careful the entire way taking a lot of path routes. After the first control, reflex low behind the boulder I knew I had to be extra careful.
2-Missed the path at the end, and again reflex low behind boulder in green.
3- Thought I was closer to the knoll on the west of the circle, little miss.
5-Ran to open spur, saw Henrick ahead of me, realized after seeing hill to the west.
6- Not quite far enough in, stopped in steep hillside.
After this start, perhaps losing 90sec total I was quite happy with my run. Aimed off to hit crags on 15 for safety but maybe a little too much.

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Ås by night and fog (22.11.2016) Ås by night and fog (22.11.2016)