Gneist 2 Dagers Long (2016-04-10)
Típus: Competition
Táv: 5.71 km
Idő: 41:39
Átlag pulzus: 181
Maximális pulzus: 202
Chasing start 22 sec behind Rune, the badger was 45sec behind me.

-Caught Rune at 1 (better routechoice)
-He beasted it to 2, I hung on (just)
-3,4,5,6,7 I got infront and stayed there grafually increasing the gap
-8 I took the left, Rune went straight(!) and took 40sec out of me. Didnt see him again and thought I was infront
-15 Flat area infront looked incredibly shite, so I went right. Aparently the semi open was like a running track haha
-17 Running quite hard towards the end, lost the path and ended up grovelling a bit in the terrain.

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Gneist 2 Dagers Long (2016-04-10) Gneist 2 Dagers Long (2016-04-10)